Believe me, all Barry is thinking about right now is saving Iris.
— Grant Gustin (@grantgust) December 9, 2016
Iris West must not die. Even Jon Stewart says so.
Was told #JonStewart stopped into @The_SecretStash yesterday to request that Iris never die on @CW_TheFlash! JStew is a #Flash watcher!!!
— KevinSmith (@ThatKevinSmith) December 8, 2016
Was told #JonStewart stopped into @The_SecretStash yesterday to request that Iris never die on @CW_TheFlash! JStew is a #Flash watcher!!!
— KevinSmith (@ThatKevinSmith) December 8, 2016
In the mid-season finale, The Flash accidentally time travelled into the near future and witnessed himself failing to save his love Iris West from being killed by Savitar.
Filmed in Vancouver's Victory Square.
I saw The Flash filming this sequence with Candice Patton and Savitar in a mo-cap suit.
Unlike Flashpoint, this time Barry Allen will try to change the future not the past.
What are you not telling me -- Iris.
The future's changed. I saw Savitar murder you. . ..I swear I will protect you - Barry.
We need to figure out everything leading up to Iris's death. -- Barry.
Back to the future.
Iris needs a hero right now Wally -- Barry/The Flash.
Jesse Quick helps out too.
The Flash returns Tuesday, January 24th, on The CW in the U.S. and CTV in Canada.